Brooke: There are 82 letters in here and they're all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer, one a day, but I never sent them because I was afraid. Lucas: Brooke. Brooke: I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before coz you hurt me so bad and I was afraid to be vulnerable and I was afraid of you and the way you make me feel. I know that it doesn't matter now after what I did, but I just thought you should know. This is how I spent my summer, Luke, wanting you. I was just too scared to admit it Lucas: Brooke! I'm sorry. What you did with Chris, it's okay. Brooke: It's not. It can't be. It's too much to forgive. Lucas: Well, that's too bad because I forgive you. Brooke: You can't. Lucas: I just did, so you're just going to have to deal with it. I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis, and I know I hurt you last time we were together... Brooke: I love you. Lucas: I love you, too, pretty girl.
Jajajaja!!! Me sé el dialogo de memoria!!! jajajaja que ganas de que llegara esa escena!!!!!! alomejor pido a los reyes la tercera tempo de oth!! jajajajajjajaja
9 comentarios:
Pretty girl
I forgive you!
Me sé el dialogo de memoria!!! jajajaja
que ganas de que llegara esa escena!!!!!!
alomejor pido a los reyes la tercera tempo de oth!! jajajajajjajaja
És la más xula sin duda! yo estoy por empezar la serie otra vez!
jaja a mi tb se me antoja, seguro que descubro canciones nuevas!!!!!!!
me cagon tu que et borro el comentariiiii com torni a veure aixo no et deixo escriure més!!!!
en aquest blog no hi ha llibertat d'expressió!!!no val a borrar comentaris!!!
tu sols els poses per fer-me enfadar, jajajaj
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